Cincinnati.Preserving the tradition originated by the late Robert Peaslee, a brazing pioneer who invented the first nickel-base brazing filler metal, Wall Colmonoy offers another session of Modern Furnace Brazing School at the Aerobraze Engineered Technologies' Brazing Engineering Center. Engineers, technicians, quality managers and others will experience "hands-on" applications and learn about brazing technology from leading industry experts. This three-day seminar offers knowledge and practical application about brazing design, metallurgical aspects/brazing operation, brazing atmosphere and furnace equipment, brazing material selection and applications and quality control. Brazing School attendees will tour the facility and see the actual brazing application on the shop floor. They will also have the opportunity to apply different forms of filler metal to Wall Colmonoy supplied samples, have them vacuum brazed and discuss the outcomes. Attendees are encouraged to bring brazing issues, parts/components to the seminar where they will be provided expert advice regarding their brazing difficulties or concerns.