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Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Testing Conference
7/24/13 2:00 am EST
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Hilton Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland. Following the success of the previous nine programs, the 10th International Conference on Barkhausen Noise and Micromagnetic Testing will be held in Baltimore, Maryland in July of 2013. It is the first time the conference will be held in the USA and it will be held in conjunction with the 40th Review of Progress in Quantitative NDE. The ICBM Organization is honored to be included within the 2013 QNDE Conference. The ICBM Special Sessions will be held from July 22-24, 2013 within the QNDE Conference, which will be held from July 21-26, 2013. These sessions will add an exciting new element to the ICBM conference experience. The Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation (QNDE) is a premiere international NDE meeting designed to be an interface between research and early engineering for the presentation of ideas and results to transfer to engineering development. The annual QNDE conference is sponsored by QNDE Programs and organized by the Center for Nondestructive Evaluation at Iowa State University in cooperation with the AFRL, ARL, ASNT, IEEE, DOE, FAA, NASA-LaRC and the NSF. The proceedings from the conference are published by the American Institute of Physics.