Hexagon’s Manufacturing Intelligence division recently announced the winners of its first cohort of start-ups selected to help the manufacturing industry operate more sustainably and efficiently. The company launched its Sixth Sense open innovation platform in January 2022 to challenge how multinationals approach innovation and help nurture creative solutions to emerging manufacturing challenges by connecting with world-class companies to solve some of humanity’s biggest challenges.
Verisurf Software, Inc. announces support for the new Hexagon, Leica AT500, and B-Probe plus CMM. Verisurf interfaces with Leica Laser Tracker Systems for data collection and 3D measurement workflows, including alignments, inspection, tool building, assembly, scanning, analysis, reporting, automation, and reverse engineering.
Virtual prototyping (VP) is an area where huge advances have been made. As gear and transmission systems, and the methods of their production, become more complex and more interdependent, finding ways to use VP across the entire development process—from the initial design, through analysis, right up to manufacturing—ultimately means gaining a better understanding of system performance and efficiency.