Sitting down to write my comments for this issue, one event filled my thoughts-the transformation and uninhibited euphoria that overcame Chicago, and the whole Midwest, by the Bears reaching and winning the Superbowl.
Helical gears can drive either nonparallel or parallel shafts. When these gears are used with nonparallel shafts, the contact is a point, and the design and manufacturing requirements are less critical than for gears driving parallel
Spiral-bevel gears, found in many machine tools, automobile rear-axle drives, and helicopter transmissions, are important elements for transmitting power.
I received a letter from Mr. G. W. Richmond, Sullivan Machinery Company, N.H., in which in addition to correcting
mistyping, he made several suggestions
concerning my article "General Equations
for Gear Cutting Tool Calculations."
AGMS's 1986 Manufacturing Symposium will offer an open forum with industry experts and papers on topics of interest to everyone involved in gear manufacturing.
The following is a general overview of some of the different factors that lead to the specific design. and the selection of the correct tool for a given hobbing application.