SMT Releases Masta 6
Smart Manufacturing Technology (SMT) recently announced the release of its CAE software, Masta 6.
Masta is for transmission and driveline design, analysis, simulation and manufacture. Its modular structure makes it tailorable to the responsibilities of its user and is applicable to the entire development cycle for the automotive, energy, aerospace, marine and rail industries. Masta integrates and interfaces with a multitude of other platforms including Gleason’s Cage software for manufacture and CAD modelling software for design and analysis.
A user interface overhaul allows the user to make faster accurate results in an ergonomic workflow allowing engineers to achieve higher levels of quality. Improvements include advanced customisable reporting features as well as importing and exporting CAD model enhancements.
New modules for fluid film bearings, plunge shaving micro geometry and shaving cutter dynamics have also added to Masta's repertoire.