These more in-depth articles will focus on an interesting subject related to gears.
Examples could include how-to articles, detailed analysis of trends in the industry, tips on maintenance or installation, explanations of the use of different types of machines, and so on. Here are some additional tips:
- Feature articles should have an author’s byline.
- 1,500–2,500 words.
- Large, high quality photos (300 dpi is minimum for print quality).
- Include captions with your photos. Tell us what we’re looking at and why it’s important. Include a photo credit where necessary.
- Focus on facts and figures (overly promotional material will be rejected or edited out).
- Include Company Name, Phone Number, E-Mail and Website information for all companies involved in the article.
- Include a short (50-word max.) author’s bio and author’s headshot (300 dpi).
Voices Column
Voices is a high-profile, front-of-the-magazine column where guest authors have the ability to share industry experience, comments or opinions with the readers.
- 800–1,200 words.
- Include a short (two to three sentences) author’s bio and author’s headshot.
Technical Articles
Technical articles can be engineering fundamentals (back to basics) or cutting-edge research that helps our readers understand the state of the art in gear design, manufacturing, heat treating, inspection, etc. Most importantly, technical articles should be completely unbiased. They should not promote a particular product or brand.
- Length varies, depending on subject, but could be up to 6,000 words.
- Graphs, charts and formulas should be used to illustrate concepts.
- Artwork should be submitted in highresolution format (300 dpi minimum).
- Include references where appropriate.
- We encourage original material that has not appeared in another publication, but we will consider papers presented at technical conferences (provided we can get copyright permission from the conference and the authors).
- Technical articles will be reviewed by our technical editors for accuracy and relevance prior to publication.
- Include a brief abstract or “management summary” that explains what the article is about and who should read it.
- Include a short (50-word max.) bio and headshot for each author/co-author (300 dpi).
Product News
We accept press releases for all new products related to gear manfuacturing. Press releases will be considered for use online, in our email newsletters and in the printed magazine. Here are some tips to help make sure we can use what you send us:
- 4–8 paragraphs is ideal.
- Describe what’s new about the product, using facts and figures. Specifications and measurements are what our readers need.
- Avoid hyperbole, sales promotion and “fluff.” Superlatives such as “ideal,” “unique,” “perfect” and so on will be edited out.
- Include at least one high-res (300 dpi) JPG photo of the product with submission.
- Include Company Name, Phone Number, E-Mail and Website where readers can get more information.
Industry News
Industry News includes items such as corporate mergers, new hires, factory expansions and other company-related news items. Send us your press releases for consideration. Things to include:
- 4–6 paragraphs is ideal.
- Include high-resolution photos (300 dpi) of the people involved.
- Include quotes from corporate executives about the news, where appropriate.
- Include a web address where readers can get more information.
Our Technical Calendar includes basic information about upcoming trade shows, conferences, webinars, seminars and other industry events. Let us know about your upcoming event if you’d like to be included. Make sure you tell us:
- Exact dates of the event.
- Location (including city and venue).
- Who should consider attending?
- What will attendees experience?
- Cost.
- Web address for registration.
Ask the Expert
“Ask the Expert” is our reader advice column with a decidedly practical and hands-on angle. We encourage our readers to submit their design, manufacturing, inspection, heat treating or other gear-related questions to us, and we find the appropriate subject matter expert to provide a written response, helping not just the original reader but the rest of the community as well.
If you or someone at your company would like to provide answers to our readers’ questions, and you have the appropriate expertise related to one or more gear-related topics, we’d like to add you to our panel of experts.
Gear Technology showcases industry videos on design, manufacturing, and automation applications featured in the magazine. We encourage you to send video links and high-res images with a short description of the video. Feel free to e-mail the editorial staff with links to your YouTube page or videos on your website. This is a great way to share valuable information across several different media platforms.
Get Social!
Another valuable tool is our social media pages. Share company news, product information and articles with our LinkedIn and Facebook accounts. Let us know if there’s something new and exciting we should be sharing with our readers and followers online. The versatility of social media is the perfect tool for marketing and highlighting your business. It provides immediate feedback you won’t get from print, radio, billboards, etc. These pages offer another platform to highlight your brand identity, content strategy, generate leads and increase sales. Please keep PTE and Gear Technology editors up-todate on your social media activity. Join the conversation.
We’re always looking for ways we can better serve our readers.
So, if you have an idea for an article or series of articles that doesn’t exactly fit what we’ve described here, we encourage you to run it by us.
Editorial Contacts