2011 AGMA Fall Technical Meeting Call For Papers
Planning is already underway for the 2011 Fall Technical Meeting (FTM), to be held October 30 - November 1, 2011 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Next year's FTM will present a unique opportunity as it will be held in conjunction with both the AGMA Gear Expo and ASM's Heat Treating Society Conference and Exposition. Attendees from all over the world are anticipated. To get things rolling, AGMA is soliciting technical papers.
Each year the FTM provides an outstanding opportunity to share ideas with others on design, analysis, manufacturing and application of gears, gear drives and related products, as well as associated processes and procedures. Authors have the opportunity to present the results of their work to an audience of knowledgeable professionals from the United States and abroad, and to participate in discussions with that audience. Papers should be original to the AGMA audience (not a previously published paper), technically accurate, relevant to the gear art and free of commercialism.
A membership survey indicated that papers on the following topics would be of considerable interest including unique applications, dynamics, effects of flank modifications on load distribution, micropitting, manufacturing techniques, inspection and gear quality, metallurgy and its effect on gear rating, effect of surface finish on durability rating, noise/vibration, heat treatment and controlling distortion, wear and rating, lubrication, epicyclics (planetaries), powder metallurgy and plastics gearing, failure analysis, FEM modeling, and flexible couplings. Prepare a brief abstract, one page or less, of your paper and submit to AGMA Headquarters by January 18, 2011.