
April 13, 2006

Industry News

AGMA Foundation Revamps Fundraising Efforts

Starting last year, the AGMA’s Foundation Committee redefined its mission. Kyle Seymour, president and CEO of Xtek Inc., is committee chairman. He outlines their new goals as two-pronged. The first part involves supporting work that enhances existing AGMA standards. Secondly, the foundation aims to fund the development of education and training so the industry can advance knowledge of the standards. "We’re changing our approach as well," Seymour says. "In the past, we’ve just let people know we’re raising money. Now that we have identified two main areas--the development of science to support technical standards, and education and training. We can become more proactive based on need. We’ll be able to identify where needs are and then search for a way to sponsor the project." Numerous programs fall under the foundation’s umbrella, and one of the most successful is the Detailed Gear Design Seminar. Taught by Ray Drago, the class covers gear design; gear rating theory and analysis methods; differences in stress states among various surface durability failure modes; time-dependent and time-independent failure modes; examination of mesh action and tooth iteration with computer-generated graphics; and AGMA standards. The seminar sells out every year, and a new Gearbox Failure Seminar will be presented in early 2007. One of the foundation’s most frequent collaborators is the Ohio State University’s GearLab. "OSU has historically had a great gear group and has always been a good partner for us," says Seymour. The AGMA Foundation funded a bi-annual research project on hypoid gear efficiency and has published year one’s results on www.agmafoundation.org for interested parties to read free of charge. Year two results will be available in 2007. The foundation’s Workforce Education Program offers Internet-based interactive basic training courses in gears. Participants can take multi-level courses online and receive an AGMA certification for successful completion. Included in the nominal fee ($25 for Fundamentals of Gearing, $150 for Gear Inspection) is a study guide, sample exam, final exam and certificate. Fundamentals of Gearing is a prerequisite to all other AGMA courses. Gear Inspection covers inspection methods and equipment. Also designed for those new to the gear industry is "Where You Want to Be", a DVD presentation that acts as a road map to the industry’s needs. The foundation funded a collection of experts and teamed up with a consulting firm to identify the challenges and opportunities important to the gear industry. Cindy Bennett, executive director of the foundation, says the foundation has already exceeded its 2006 fundraising goals and is only in the middle of the campaign season. In 2005, the foundation raised $183,276 between both the fall campaign and the auction that is concurrent with AGMA’s annual meeting in the spring. "We want the members to know that we’re here and eager to match up your needs with the right providers and make good things happen for you," concludes Seymour.
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