Industry News

November 30, 2022

Design Manufacturing Industry News

AGMA Partners with India’s Premier Communications Company

Virgo Communications & Exhibitions Drives AGMA Media in India

The American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) is partnering with Virgo Communications & Exhibitions to publish Gear Technology India, the Indian branch of the Gear Technology magazine.

Virgo Communications has been engaged to do three things for AGMA:

  • Publish Gear Technology India, an e-magazine that will deliver relevant, India-focused news and information to support the growing power transmission market.
  • Promote and develop online education training courses, leveraging AGMA’s classes, and developing new ones for the local market.
  • Produce face-to-face events including education, networking and other events that bring technical information to India-based engineers and leaders.

“This partnership is an expansion on our 28-year relationship supporting IPTEX, the leading power transmission exhibition in India,” said Matthew E. Croson, president of AGMA.  “It also directly supports AGMA’s strategic plan which directs the organization to support growing markets that are critical for AGMA members.”

In addition to the items Virgo will work towards on behalf of AGMA, the organization will also be reaching out to universities and schools throughout India in order to share standards to support engineer development. 

“This partnership is a continuation of the AGMA strategic plan, and we really look forward to having more tangible support on the ground at the local level in India,” added Croson. “Based on both multiple decades of previous growth and current global industry trends, we’re very excited about becoming more proactive in a global market and developing stronger ties with gear industry professionals everywhere.”

Those who would like to learn more about this partnership and Gear Technology India can do so on the Gear Technology India webpage.


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