
March 31, 2015

Industry News

AMT Announces Elected Officers for Directors for 2015-2016

The Association For Manufacturing Technology recently elected its 2015-2016 officers and directors. The 2015-2016 board year begins April 1, 2015.

The AMT Board of Directors — which represent the American manufacturing technology industry — named Jerry Rex, executive vice president of Concept Machine Tool, Plymouth, MN to serve as chairman. He follows Chairman Kevin J. Kilgallen, president of Mid Atlantic Machinery, Harrisburg, PA.

“I am both honored and excited to serve our industry as AMT’s Chairman for the upcoming year,” said Rex. “In my 23 years of activity with AMT, and previously with the American Machine Tool Distributors’ Association, I have been blessed to meet and learn from some of the best minds and leaders in our industry. I believe you can and should be a leader, no matter the title or position you hold. In my 38-plus years in manufacturing, I have seen incredible advances in the technology we deploy, sell, service and support, as well as how it is used. I look forward to being a strong advocate for AMT members as the industry continues to evolve in the coming year.”

The Board elected Richard L. Simons, chairman, president and CEO, Hardinge Inc., Elmira, NY, to serve as first vice chairman. Ronald S. Karaisz, president/CEO of Kar Enterprises, Inc./Novi Precision Products, Inc., Brighton, MI, will serve as second vice chairman/treasurer. Brian J. Papke, president, Mazak Corporation, Florence, KY, was elected Secretary.

Newly elected to a three-year term as a member of the association’s Board of Directors are Christopher A. Bailey, vice president, Global Automation Solutions, Cleveland, OH; Dr. John B. Cheung, CEO and co-founder, OMAX Corporation, Kent, WA; and Paul Ricard, president, DP Technology Corp – ESPRIT, Camarillo, CA.

Board members that were re-elected for a three-year term include: Jerry Rex, executive vice president, Concept Machine Tool; David J. Burns, global head of sales, The Ex One Company, Irwin, PA, and; Lee Morris, CEO and chairman, The Morris Group, Windsor, CA.

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