
December 2, 2008

Industry News

AMT Elects New Officers and Directors

The Association for Manufacturing Technology (AMT) elected its officers and directors at its annual meeting in Austin, Texas in October. AMT, which represents more than 400 U.S. manufacturers of machine tools, manufacturing machinery and related products, elected Ronald Schildge, president of Eitel Presses Inc., as chairman. He replaces Doug Currie, president and CEO of Erie Press Systems, who will now serve the association as an ex-officio member of its board of directors.


Schildge is a graduate of Cornell University and has served on AMT's Economics and Statistics Committee, the Government Relations Committee and the Global Marketing, Sales and Service Committee.


Daniel Janka was re-elected to serve as first vice chairman. Janka, president of MAG Industrial Automation Systems, holds a bachelor's degree in industrial engineering and technology from Southern Illinois University. He serves on the Government Relations Committee.


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Eugene Haffely, chief operating officer at Assembly & Test Worldwide, will serve the association as second vice chairman and treasurer. Haffely graduated cum laude from the University of Wisconsin with a bachelor's in computer and electrical engineering.


Kim Beck, president and CEO of Automatic Feed Co., will continue to serve as secretary.  Beck is a graduate of Hillsdale College. He has served on the board of directors and is a former chairman of the board.


Newly elected to three-year terms as members of AMT's board of directors are Charles Clark, division president, Dukane Corporation; Krestine Corbin, chairman, president and CEO of Sierra Machinery Inc.; Timothy Dining, president and CEO of Greenerd Press and Machine Company Inc.; and Richard Shore Sr., president and owner of Automation and Molder Components Inc.