
April 19, 2006

Industry News

AMT Reports May Manufacturing Consumption Up 21 Percent

Domestic manufacturing technology consumption totaled $319.4 million, according to the American Machine Tool Distributors' Association and the Association for Manufacturing Technology. According to AMT's press release, this total was reported by companies participating in the USMTC program and shows a 21.4% increase from April and a 29.7% increase from the total of $246.27 million reported for May 2005. A year-to-date total of $1,437.11 million reflects a 22% increase from 2005. ?May's growth in consumption is particularly encouraging because it is shared across every region of our country,? says John J. Healy, AMTDA president. ?While May was one of the four best months in the current recovery, the important point is that the trend continues to move upward.? The report represents the production and distribution of manufacturing technology, provides regional and national U.S. consumption data of domestic and imported machine tools and related equipment.
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