
May 16, 2013

Industry News

AMT to Showcase Technologies at FEIMAFE 2013

Featuring some of the best U.S. manufacturing technology for a wide array of end-user applications, the Association For Manufacturing Technology (AMT) welcomes visitors to the AMT/USA Pavilion at FEIMAFE 2013. The show takes place June 3-8, 2013, at Anhembi Park Exhibition Hall in São Paulo, Brazil. Manufacturers from a variety of industries are encouraged to visit the pavilion to find technologies that will make them more productive and efficient. These technologies include grinding, waterjet cutting, tooling, turning & milling, forming, and more. The exhibitors featured in the pavilion will display equipment of interest to many industry segments, including automotive, aerospace, oil & gas, alternative energy, appliances, and others. “U.S. manufacturing technology builders are eager to provide the processes and solutions that will help Brazilian manufacturers become more globally competitive,” said Mario Winterstein, AMT business development director. “It is an exciting time for growth in the Brazilian industrial economy, and we look forward to building relationships that will help manufacturing in Brazil to continue to grow and thrive.” The pavilion features 19 exhibitors. Visitors are also encouraged to meet with AMT representatives to learn about the new AMT Sao Paulo Technology Center, located in Sorocaba.
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