
December 27, 2018

Charles D. Schultz

The Gear Industry Trade Shows & Events Gear Expo History

Another Year in Gears

We hope you enjoyed the many posts to fundamental topics during 2018. Our magazine has long been the “newspaper of record” for the gear industry and most of our editorial content is “cutting edge” technical reports. Our staff of volunteer technical editors is always prepared to answer questions via the “Ask the Expert” features. Those same experts have participated in “Ask Me Anything” sessions at Gear Expo. Send those interesting questions to us and we will get you pointed in the right direction. Can’t wait that long? All of our content - going back to the very first issue - is available 24/7/365 on the Gear Technology website. Every article ever published is fully searchable by keyword. 2018’s emphasis on fundamentals should have, at a very minimum, equipped you with those keywords. The trade encircles the globe and we speak multiple languages. Regardless of where you live or what your native tongue might be, we thank you for your patronage and look forward to serving you in 2019.

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