Dontyne Debuts GATES Software for its Gear Production Suite
Dontyne Systems, a U.K. company founded by Michael Fish and David Palmer, recently unveiled a new software program for its Gear Production Suite. Gear Analysis for Transmission Error and Stress (GATES) is a program for the calculation of stress and transmission error conditions in loaded gear systems.
Based on the DU-GATES 3D FE package from the Design Unit at Newcastle University, U.K., the program allows users to achieve reductions in gear noise. Dontyne Systems has compiled more than 10 years of research and noise and vibration studies on single- and double-helical gears to compile its data.
“The GATES analysis addresses an important need in the industry,” says Fish, managing director, Dontyne Systems Ltd. “Specific instances are marine applications and wind turbines where such a punishing environment could benefit greatly from an application to minimize potential vibration.”
According to Fish, recent revisions to ISO 6336 (the calculation of load capacity of spur and helical gears) have significantly improved the validity of this gear rating standard. However, limitations do still exist. It does not optimize tip and root relief or helix corrections, the so-called ‘micro-geometry’ of the gear.
Correctly designed gears can reduce noise and vibration, minimize local contact stresses, increase scuffing resistance and help minimize mesh losses. The goal of Dontyne Systems is to maximize power density, reduce manufacturing and plant operating costs and reduce noise and environmental impact of their products.
The GATES program itself examines a gear set during operation. The graphic and reporting features offer a quick interpretation of the results for customer reports. Links to inspection equipment permit data to be adopted, thus improving the accuracy of the model. This function also enables existing components to be optimized. Basic operating features include surface definition and thin-strip analysis. Advanced features include 3D analysis and definition of shaft and bearing conditions.