Leveling Mounts Feature Adjustable Rubber Foot That Adjust to Uneven Surfaces
A new series of metric leveling mounts from All Metric Small Parts - aMsp swivels 15° to all sides of the centerline to adjust to uneven surfaces. Uses include leveling machine toools, electronic racks, benches, and more. A jam nut is part of the leveling assembly. The mounts, identified as the MVAYNAM and MVAYNFM Series have isolator pads which vary in diameter from 40 to 80 mm. These antislip pads are nade of fiberglass reinforced Polyamide. Their height ranges from 93 mm to 180 mm. The aMsp eStore shows single unit as well as quantity prices for these handwheels which are stocked for overnight delivery worldwide. Applications include their use in linear motion and rotary table positioning. 3D CAD models are available for download at the aMsp Web site.
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