Congressman Roskam Visits Overton Chicago Gear
Overton Chicago Gear (OCG) had the pleasure to greet their Illinois representative recently. Congressman Peter Roskam, 6th District of Illinois (serving Addison and Lombard, IL), visited Overton Chicago Gear on April 27, 2011. Congressman Roskam is a member of the Ways and Means Committee and is known as an advocate of ESOP companies. Congressman Roskam was interested to hear about the strength of the industrial manufacturing sector in his district.
"It was gratifying to have Congressman Roskam come to see OCG on our silver anniversary as an ESOP company," said Overton Chicago Gear president/CEO Lou Ertel. OCG shared with him their continued success in the manufacturing of gears and gearboxes; even with the challenges of foreign competition and challenging economic conditions. All at OCG thoroughly enjoyed the time Congressman Roskam and his staff spent at Overton and they look forward to having him back in the future.