
July 7, 2017

Product News Industry News

Affolter AF71 Universal Loading System Offers Three Methods for Part Feeding

Affolter has recently unveiled the AF71, a new multi-axis part load and unload system. The loading head is equipped with a double gripper system for parallel loading and unloading. The loading movements are performed by CNC-axis.

The part feeding may be performed by three different methods, according to the application, batch size and parts geometry: Adjustable feed rail unit, belt conveyor and vibratory bowl feeding system and rail

The collection of the finished parts may be performed by either a collecting tray or on an additional belt conveyor.

Specific tooling is required for this type of loader according to the workpiece geometries. Affolter asks you to send them your drawings and they will provide you with time-study and a recommendation of machine including automation if required.

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