From the entire staff of Gear Technology and AGMA Media, I'd like to offer all of you a very happy holiday season. Please accept our sincere wishes for health, happiness and prosperity throughout the holidays and into 2021.
We're already working hard on the first few issues of 2021, and we have some great topics and articles in store for you, including our annual State-of-the-Gear-Industry issue in January/February. We'll be sending out our annual survey in January, so please watch your e-mail inbox for the survey invitation. Your participation helps us paint a clear picture of what's happening in the gear industry. Now, more than ever, that's important for everyone.
In the meantime, don't forget that there are plenty of resources available on the website, including 36 years of quality technical content related to gears. Why not take a break from the hustle and bustle and catch up on some of your reading by visiting the Michael Goldstein Gear Technology Library?