Philadelphia Gear to Present Webinar on How to Avoid Gearbox Failure
Gearbox failure means unplanned outages, downtime, and potentially extensive repairs. With the right evaluation approach, it can almost always be avoided. But if your gearboxes were nearing failure today, would you know? Learn what it takes to avoid gearbox failure in Evaluating Installed Gearboxes, a webinar co-sponsored by PCT and Philadelphia Gear.
Hosted by 17-year field service veteran Herb Cobb, this one-hour webinar will give you the knowledge to spot early signs of gearbox failure. You’ll learn:
•Common and uncommon failure causes
•Largest factors in operating conditions
•Online and static evaluation methods
•When to look further, and when to take action
•And more…
Evaluating Installed Gearboxes will be hosted live on Tuesday, September 21st with time for your questions about spotting and stopping gearbox failure. Reserve your online seat and learn how to eliminate downtime at the link below.