Tactile or contact probes are the most common metrology technique in the coordinate measurement world, including the more specialized gear measurement community. Tactile probes can be active or passive, scanning or touch only, and may vary in cost and performance depending on the system itself. They are offered by multiple industrial companies as standalone OEM products (e.g., Renishaw) or only included in their coordinate measuring machines (e.g., Zeiss, Klingelnberg, and Hexagon). Their overall performance, especially their robustness and flexibility, have led to a gold standard for most metrology tasks.
Exact Metrology recently exhibited at the Coordinate Metrology Society Conference (CMSC) with their sister division, OASIS Alignment Services: A Division of In-Place Machining Company.
The Oregon Manufacturing Innovation Center Research and Development (OMIC R&D) recently welcomed Capture 3D, a Zeiss company, as a member of the collaboration, now at 41 members. Headquartered in Santa Ana, California, Capture 3D is a leader in innovative optical 3D metrology solutions, including accurate blue light 3D scanners, precision photogrammetry systems, comprehensive inspection software, and high-tech automated inspection systems.
Plastic gears are everywhere
today - throughout your car, at
the oceans' lowest depths, in deep
space. The question, when is a
metal gear a candidate for plastic
conversion, can be addressed in
three words, i.e. what's the application?
Gears with a diametral pitch 20 and
greater, or a module 1.25 millimeters
and lower, are called fine-pitch or low-module gears. The design of these gears has its own specifics.