On behalf of the AGMA Board of Directors, Show Committee and our 123 exhibiting companies — thank you for supporting Motion + Power Technology Expo 2021 (MPT Expo).
“It appears that undercut can be eliminated in some cases but in most cases, the elimination of undercut, for example by increasing the root fillet radii of a pinion, results in performance problems in the operation with its mate. My question is, when can I eliminate undercut and why is it not possible in most cases?”
A validated simulation model is used to analyze more in-depth investigations into the influence of a stochastic course of the pitch error on the quasi-static excitation behavior.
Thanks to material development and additive manufacturing opportunities, it’s important for the gear and power transmission industries to monitor the trends, technologies and future forecasts in the powder metal market.
Evaluation of the bending fatigue performance (stress to life relationship) of different gear materials subject to various manufacturing processes and why subsequent post processing treatments are of significance to gear and transmission designers.