
April 7, 2006

Materials Plastic Product News Industry News

Asahi America Introduces Plastic Gear Operator

Plasgear from Asahi America is a thermoplastic gear operator from Asahi America. According to the company’s press release, the Plasgear is constrcted of composite plastic with black urethane coating so it will not corrode or rust as a result of exposure to harsh chemicals. Available in sizes from 1-1/2"-14", the new plastic gear box is suitable for applications such as severe chemical and seawater. The Plasgear is submersible. Special features include a visible PP position indicator, NAMUR mounting dimension that allows for mounting of accessories, plastic PPG reinforced hand wheel, integral grip design that allows for easy operation and adjustable travel stop for open and close position. Options include a four-nut insert for top accessories, chain operators, locking device, 2" square nut operator and a special square coupling. The product is standard on all Asahi America 1-1/2" Type 14 57 butterfly valves or can be supplied without the valve.The gear incorporates NAMUR standards (F07, F10 and F14)for interchangeability to most industrial valves. Plasgear can be factory mounted or mounted in the field on existing installations.
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