
February 3, 2016

Inspection Metrology Industry News

Attendee Registration Opens for 2016 Coordinate Metrology Society Conference

The Coordinate Metrology Society (CMS), the eminent membership association for 3D measurement professionals, has announced its online attendee registration is open for the Coordinate Metrology Society Conference (CMSC). Held at a different location each year, the CMS will host this year's event at the Embassy Suites by Hilton in Murfreesboro, TN from July 25-29, 2016. The CMSC is known worldwide for its expert-level, original slate of technical papers and presentations covering measurement and inspection trends, successful applications and innovations in the metrology field, R&D, and industry best practices. All papers are peer reviewed by the CMS Executive Board, and the top selections are published in the prestigious Journal of the CMSC. Registration is now open at the website below. 

The 32nd annual CMSC is a week-long technology conference for users of portable 3D measurement solutions applied by manufacturers and science laboratories. The CMS will offer its proctored Level-One and Level-Two Certification examinations during the event. Certification program guidelines and application forms are available on the CMS website. 

CMSC attendees are metrologists, quality control professionals, manufacturing executives and managers, scientists, students, and educators looking to expand their knowledge of 3D portable measurement applications. The Coordinate Metrology Society takes its educational mandate seriously and delivers an extensive Measurement Zone and Education Zone in the Exhibition Hall. During the week, the CMS also presents metrology challenges, educational workshops, industry updates, a local tour and many networking opportunities. The action-packed CMSC Exhibition Hall will feature the latest in metrology products and services including industrial photogrammetry, laser trackers, laser radars, articulating arms, laser scanners, laser projection systems, indoor GPS, theodolites, inspection software, and accessories. 



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