
June 23, 2021

Industry News

Bonfiglioli Kicks Off Vaccination Hub

The Bonfiglioli Riduttori Vaccination HUB in Calderara di Reno kicked off June 14th.

The Calderara di Reno Hub, obtained by dedicating part of a Bonfiglioli Group plant, has a total area of 1,500 square meters. Equipped according to the protocols and functionalities provided by the vaccination plans, it began its activity immediately after cutting the ribbon and will be able to guarantee 500 vaccinations per day.

“The creation of this hub is part of a system operation on the territory promoted by Confindustria Emilia Centro, which sees the birth of an intercompany network of vaccination hubs open to all related and not related companies in the territory, their employees and collaborators and their family members. All coordinated with the institutions and the public health service. A major effort to support the community and businesses, in order to help accelerate the current vaccination campaign. We guarantee employees and their family members certain dates, which will allow them to complete the vaccination cycle by the summer break, to spend safely and with greater serenity, with a view to restarting and returning to normal,” said Sonia Bonfiglioli, chairwoman of the group and vice-president of Confindustria Emilia.

“Bonfiglioli Riduttori is proud to represent an important part of this teamwork, hosting a hub that started immediately with the first vaccine administrations, and I’d also like to remember the other two active hubs, promoted in collaboration with Confindustria Emilia: the one hosted by IMA, belonging to our former President, Alberto Vacchi in Ozzano dell ‘Emilia, and the one organized by Voiláp, belonging to our president Valter Caiumi in Limidi di Soliera.

We are very proud as Bonfiglioli to be a step on this imaginary scale of solidarity that aims to drive us - also thanks to the spread of vaccinations - out of the darkness and anguish of these long months. Together, with cohesion, we can start running again,” she added.
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