
February 11, 2016

Industry News

Brevini Receives AS9100C Certification

Brevini Gear Systems continues to grow its specialized large, high-precision gear design and manufacturing operations with its Jan. 18 AS9100C certification. With this certification Brevini can design and manufacture large gears for commercial and military aerospace companies, opening a brand new market for business expansion.

“This is an exciting accomplishment for us,” said Brian Richardson, president and managing director of Brevini Gear Systems. “While the certification is a requirement for participation in the aerospace industry, knowing that we adhere to these enhanced international standards also provides added value to our existing customers,” Richardson added. “As one of the leading companies specializing in large precision gears, we continuously look for opportunities to improve the value proposition we provide our existing customers, as well as our value to new markets.”

He explained that the AS9100C certification strengthens and improves upon the already tight quality management standards of the ISO9001-2008 certification, which Brevini earned in February 2015. Among the additional requirements of AS9100C are expanded quality objectives, additional risk management requirements, configuration management and project management. Major revisions also were made to design and development inputs and review, and verification and validation testing and documentation, as well as measurement analysis and improvement of customer satisfaction, internal audits and continual improvement.

“The aerospace and defense market is significant within the U.S. and globally,” Richardson said. “We are already in conversations with global aerospace manufacturers and, based on our large, high-precision gear expertise and this important certification, we have significant opportunities to make a big impact in this market.”

Richardson added that many of the industries Brevini Gear Systems serves, including the mining, petroleum and industrial equipment industry sectors, have similar rapid delivery, high precision and product traceability requirements. “We have stringent record-keeping, product traceability, and supplier and raw material specifications that we adhere to for all of our clients. Certifications such as AS9100C are invaluable to our many customers who have distinct needs and requirements and who depend on highly specialized service.”



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