British Gear Association Announces Two Research Projects
The first of two ongoing research projects the British Gear Association (BGA) is working on focuses on reducing the micropitting wear rate and increasing the micropitting threshold stress in gears. The previous two phases of this project enable BGA consortium members to gain a better understanding of the micropitting phenomenon in gears. The next phase will concentrate on investigating the most influential variables linked to micropitting, using back-to-back rig testing. Key areas for investigation include surface engineering (coatings, superfinishing, shot peening), surface texture, lubrication and materials.
A second BGA project focuses on materials for enhanced gear bending fatigue performance. This project is a continuation of a series of research projects aimed at improving the fatigue properties of gears, which dates back to the mid-1990s. The latest phase will be strongly materials-focused and will concentrate one evaluating gear tooth bending fatigue strength using single tooth pulsator testing, as has been used in previous phases of the project. The variables to be investigated include the base steel type, heat treatment method and post heat treatment processing.
BGA is actively seeking additional consortium members.