Buehler Announces 2020 Hardness Webinar Series
Buehler, an ITW Company, recently announced its 2020 Hardness Webinar Series. The first Webinar in the series will be conducted in English, German and French and offered on several dates, and time zones throughout March 2020. The webinar will explore hardness test applications on surface hardened parts with Vickers and Rockwell testing.
The webinar is presented for metallurgical technicians, engineers and others who carry out hardness testing of materials as part of quality control or inspection during production of aerospace, automotive or other surface hardened parts.
In the March webinar there will be a review of these hardness testing applications:
• Specimen preparation for microhardness tests
• Case study of surface hardened parts
• Evaluate hardness mapping of surface hardened parts
• Hardness Traverse Testing with: Carburized Hardening Depth (CHD) parts, CHD Relative for Induction Hardened parts and Nitride/Plasma Hardened parts.
• Case study of surface hardened parts
• Evaluate hardness mapping of surface hardened parts
• Hardness Traverse Testing with: Carburized Hardening Depth (CHD) parts, CHD Relative for Induction Hardened parts and Nitride/Plasma Hardened parts.
Registration is complimentary, sign up today and get a place in the virtual Buehler classroom. Attendees will also receive a certificate of participation right after the webinar. If the webinar is interesting to you but the date does not fit your schedule, simply register and you will get a recording shortly after the event.