Buy Your Favorite Tools, Support Your Local Schools
For the second year in a row, customers who choose best-in-class cutting tools, tool holders, and workholding products from Big Daishowa will support their local manufacturing training programs at the same time.
From October 1–December 29, 2023, Big Daishowa will once again donate a tooling certificate valued at 20 percent of every qualifying order to the buyer’s school of choice through the Tools for Schools program. Schools can redeem certificates for any Big Daishowa products, including best-in-class tool holders, boring tools, cutting tools, workholding products, and presetters.
Last year’s program was a resounding success: BIG DAISHOWA issued nearly $30,000 in tooling certificates to high schools, vocational schools, colleges, and universities. According to Jack Burley, President/COO of Big Daishow, it’s all in line with the company’s overall mission to support a new generation of skilled workers.
“We are committed to workforce development. This program allows our customers to support local communities by providing their future workforce with the same tools they use in their shops,” said Burley.
To participate in the program:
· The qualifying minimum order is $5,000 (earning a $1,000 tooling certificate).