
April 24, 2017

Product News Industry News

BvL Oberflächentechnik Cleaning Systems Designed to Meet High Cleanliness Demands

The absolute necessity for clean components in the automotive industry requires reliable cleaning technologies. With longstanding experience in this field, the manufacturer BvL Oberflächentechnik produces suitable cleaning systems which are always tailored to special customer requirements.

The NiagaraDFS basket washing system is BvL's answer to especially high cleanliness requirements. The flood/spray system with revolving wheel technology ensures thorough all-round cleaning through rotation of the parts baskets or parts carriers around the horizontal axis. The inline material flow concept shortens ancillary times to a minimum, significantly reducing cycle times and increasing capacity.

BvL also offers expertise in the field of deburring. For the cleaning of gearbox parts for a large German automotive manufacturer, the Slovenian company LTH Castings invested in the Geyser high pressure deburring system with an integrated industrial robot. The Geyser reliably removes swarf and burrs with a high pressure water jet through multiple rotating nozzles or single lances which are directed specifically at the critical areas of the component. Short cycle times make the system particularly efficient and suitable for series production.

While the component is deburred, the empty workpiece holders in this special application move through a washing unit integrated into the high pressure system. This positions the deburred component on the cleaned workpiece holder, preventing renewed soiling through residue.

Because of its compact design in container form, the high pressure deburring system can be ideally integrated into the production process. BvL offers all required systems from a single source: from pre-cleaning, deburring and fine cleaning to drying and cooling. The machines and components made of high quality stainless steel are perfectly matched and can be individually adapted: the high pressure deburring system from LTH Castings was also combined with a pre-cleaning unit and a final fine cleaning stage.

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