
September 6, 2024

Industry News

Call for Papers: 79th STLE Annual Meeting and Exhibition

Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers 79th STLE Annual Meeting and Exhibition

Atlanta, Georgia (USA)

Hyatt Regency Hotel

May 18-22, 2025

Gears and Gear Lubrication 

Call for Papers and Presentations

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Dear Friends and Colleagues,

The Gears and Gear Lubrication Technical Committee is soliciting papers and presentations for the 79th Annual STLE Meeting and Exhibition to be held May 18-22, 2025, in Atlanta. Submit abstracts to the Gears sessions for work related to any of the following areas:

  • Emerging gear applications and challenges
  • Advanced powertrain and gear systems design
  • Gear lubrication and materials (metals, ceramics, composites, etc.)
  • Gear pitting, micro-pitting, and scuffing
  • Gear contact simulation
  • Gear testing methods
  • Failure prediction and diagnostics

Presentations and papers in all gear-related areas are welcomed.

Please submit your abstracts through the STLE website at https://stle2025.abstractcentral.com  and select “Gears” as your preferred session. Abstracts should be 100-150 words (less than 1000 characters) and are due October 1, 2024. Abstracts are for 20 min or 40 min podium presentations or posters.

Dr. Xue Han                                           Dr. Paul Norris                                                     Dr. Aaron Isaacson

Technical Committee Chair             Technical Committee Vice-Chair                    Paper Solicitation Chair

Cummins Technical Center              Afton Chemical Limited                                    Penn State University

Columbus, IN 47201                          Berkshire, RG12 2UW, UK                                State College, PA 16803

x.han@cummins.com                        paul.norris@aftonchemical.com                     aci101@arl.psu.edu 

For general conference information please contact: 


Merle Hedland, STLE Conference Organizer, at mhedland@stle.org or call (630)428-3400
