
July 9, 2007

Industry News

Carl Zeiss Wins Bosch Supplier Award

Carl Zeiss Industrial Metrology GmbH announced that it has won its third consecutive Bosch Supplier Award. The manufacturer of industrial metrology equipment was honored for its performance in areas related to quality, cost and reliability.

Werner Gerstner, vice president for sales in Germany and South America at Carl Zeiss Industrial Metrology, and Richard Gärtner, vice president and general manager of the Services Division, received the award in Stuttgart/Germany on July 4. Gerstner says, "The fact that we have once again been honored as one of Bosch’s global suppliers testifies to the continuity of our work and to the commitment of our sales and service staff. Needless to say, leading edge measuring technology is the focus of our relationship with Bosch. At the same time, however, we do everything in our power to keep our customers completely satisfied. One aspect is not possible without the other if we are to safeguard our position in metrology in the long term."

Bosch has presented the Supplier Award eleven times to its best suppliers around the world since 1987. This year’s award, which is given every two years, was presented to 47 suppliers, including 19 from outside Germany.

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