
April 11, 2006

Industry News

Chuck Bunch Appointed NAM Chairman

The National Association of Manufacturers Board of Directors today unanimously approved the nomination of Charles E. (Chuck) Bunch, chairman of the board and chief executive officer of Pittsburgh-based PPG Industries Inc., to become NAM Chairman for the 2007-2008 term. PPG is a global supplier of coatings, chemicals, optical products glass and fiber glass, with 110 manufacturing facilities and equity affiliates in more than 20 countries. Bunch has served as vice chairman to NAM chairman John Luke, chairman and chief executive officer of MeadWestvaco Corporation since October 1, 2005. Bunch joined PPG in 1979 and held a series of management positions before being named general manager of architectural coatings in 1992. He was made vice president of that unit in 1994 and vice president, fiber glass, in 1995. Bunch was elected senior vice president of strategic planning and corporate services in 1997, and executive vice president,coatings in 2000. In July 2002, Bunch was named president, chief operating officer and board member, becoming chief executive officer in March 2005, and taking his current post in July 2005. As Chairman of the NAM, Bunch will focus on reducing the costs of manufacturing in the U.S., particularly with regard to reducing energy prices, taxes, and litigation, and working for a solution to the asbestos crisis. "The NAM is indeed fortunate to have a leader of Chuck Bunch’s stature as chairman," said NAM President John Engler. "Chuck is well known throughout the business community as an inspired manager and visionary leader. We all look forward to his chairmanship." The NAM Board also confirmed Michael E. Campbell, chairman, president and chief executive officer of Arch Chemicals, Inc., of Norwalk, CT, to serve as NAM Vice Chairman. Campbell will serve as vice chairman during Bunch’s chairmanship, after which he will succeed Bunch for a two-year term as Chairman.
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