
April 30, 2014

Industry News

CMSC Includes 24 Comprehensive Technical Presentations

The Coordinate Metrology Society (CMS) announced that it has selected a comprehensive slate of 24 technical presentations for the 2014 Coordinate Metrology Systems Conference (CMSC), July 21-25, 2014, at the Embassy Suites, North Charleston, SC. The organization celebrates its 30th Anniversary this year, and continues its long tradition of serving the specialized needs of 3-D measurement/inspection professionals and scientists worldwide. In addition to original technical presentations, the CMSC serves as a platform for discovering and discussing new and future technologies. During the five-day event, attendees and exhibitors share their experiences, research, concepts and theory in an open, educational atmosphere. A full listing of the CMSC 2014 technical presentations and Conference Registration information can be found at www.CMSC.org. The CMS completed its peer-review of a record number of abstract submissions, and selected 24 technical presentations from industry experts representing leading international companies and organizations such as NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Rolls-Royce, NIST, National Solar Observatory, Espace2001, The Boeing Company, Lockheed Martin, Premium AeroTech, Electroimpact , National Propulsion Laboratory (NPL-UK), Hitachi Power Solutions Co., BMW Manufacturing, Sigma Space, and the National Research Council of Canada. The roster also includes speakers from prestigious educational institutions including the University of California Davis, Escola Politecnica da Universidade de Sao Paulo, Wichita State University, and the School of Mechatronic Engineering and Automation from Shanghai University. The CMSC presentation roster will include wide-ranging topics related to best practices, trends, and the application of 3-D metrology techniques and technology. Subjects range from “Automated Metrology in a Business Jet Final Assembly Line” to “Metrology-enhanced Robotic Milling” to “100% Automated Production Measurement of a Car Body Welding Line with Absolute Reference.” Speakers will cover the use of portable 3D coordinate measurement systems, laser trackers, photogrammetry, laser radar, 3-D scanners and sensors, inspection software and more. The CMSC 2014 Presentation Agenda can be found online at 2014 CMSC Presenters. For three decades, the event has attracted thousands of attendees from prominent science/research laboratories, educational institutions, and industries such as aerospace, satellite, automotive, shipbuilding, power generation, and general engineering. The CMSC Conference Agenda also includes Level-1 and Level-2 Certification examinations, a new Measurement Study, hands-on workshops, and networking events. More than 40 exhibitors will pack the exhibition hall with portable measurement systems (PCMMs), software, and accessories supported by OEMs and service providers.
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