Aerotech Inc.
101 Zeta Drive
Pittsburgh PA 15238-2811
United States
Phone: (412) 963-7470
Fax: (412) 963-7459

Aerotech Inc.

Aerotech manufactures motion control and positioning systems and components including automated nanopositioners; planar and rotary air-bearing systems; high-speed gantries; single and multiaxis linear, rotary, and lift stages; brushless linear and...

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Linear Electric Actuators | DC Adjustable Speed Drives | Positioning Drives | Friction Clutches-Cone | Motor-Controller Units | Programmable Controllers | Servo Controllers | Step Motor Controllers | Brushless Linear Motors | Electric Linear Motors | Linear Actuators | Linear Motion Assemblies | Linear Motion Controls | Linear Servo Motors | Nanopositioning Linear Stages | Slides-Linear | Brushless Rotary Motors | DC Brush-Type Motors | DC Brushless Motors | DC Motors | Linear Motors | Servo Motors | Servo Motors-Linear | Servo Motors-Brushless DC | Servo Motors-DC Servo | Step Motors | Torque Motors | Indexing Drives | Robotic Components | Rotary Tables | X-Y Tables | Accessories | Actuators | Adjustable Speed Drives | Clutches | Controls | Linear Motion Devices | Motors |