Ash Gear & Supply
42650 Nine Mile Rd.
Novi MI 48375
United States
Phone: (248) 374-6155
Fax: (248) 374-6255

Ash Gear & Supply

Serving the gear industry for over 45 years, Ash Gear & Supply has new and preowned tooling in stock and ready to ship. We stock gear hobs, gear shapers, shank shapers, and broaches. We stock master gears, gear wires, software, books and more.

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Broach Pullers | Broaches & Broaching Tools | Cutting Tools, Miscellaneous | Hobs | Keyseat Cutting Tools | Maag-Type Cutters | Milling Cutters | Shaper Cutting Tools | Shaving Cutters | Other Gear Cutting Tools | Gages & Measuring Instruments | Dimension-over-Pins & Balls Gages | Master Gears | Other Gages & Measuring Instruments | Gear Design Software | Other Gear Software | Arbors | Cutting Tools | Inspection Equipment | Software | Workholding & Toolholding |