ATA Gears Ltd.
P.O. Box 120
Tampere FIN-33101
Phone: +(358) 3287-0111
Fax: +(358) 3287-0249

ATA Gears Ltd.

ATA sells, designs and produces spiral bevel gears in the range of 50-3000 mm for demanding marine and industrial applications. ATA serves the customers worldwide. As a forerunner, ATA maintains a constant motion in developing our know-how, methods and services. ATA has recently been investing heavily in modern production technology and focusing on increasing capacity especially in large spiral bevel gears.

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Gear Design Consulting | Custom Gear Manufacturing | Marine Gears | Mining Gears | Spiral Bevel Gears | Straight Bevel Gears | Bevel Gears, Straight | Bevel Gears, Spiral and Hypoid | Gear Design Consulting | Services | Gears | Gear Manufacturing Services |