Bishop-Wisecarver Corp.
2104 Martin Way
Pittsburg CA 94565-5027
United States
Phone: (925) 439-8272 or (888) 580-8272
Fax: (925) 439-5931

Bishop-Wisecarver Corp.

Bishop-Wisecarver Corporation is a leading manufacturer and distributor of guided motion systems, specializing in DualVee guide wheel technology. Our broad product range includes guide wheels and components, guides, actuators and systems.

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Geared Actuators | Mechanical Actuators, Linear | Mechanical Actuators, Rotary | Ball Bearings | Miniature Ball Bearings | Linear Bearings | Bushings | Chain Drives | Belt Drives | Friction Clutches-Cone | Ball Screws | Lead Screws | Linear Actuators | Linear Motion Assemblies | Slides-Linear | Rotary Tables | X-Y Tables | Accessories | Actuators | Bearings | Belting & Belt Drives | Chain & Chain Drives | Clutches | Linear Motion Devices |