Bodycote Thermal Processing - Melrose Park
1975 N. Ruby St.
Melrose Park IL 60160
United States
Phone: (708) 344-4080
Fax: (708) 344-4010

Bodycote Thermal Processing - Melrose Park

Operating an international network of facilities, Bodycote is the world’s leading provider of thermal processing services. Experienced in supporting large multi-national customers and their supply chains, as well as local niche specialists, Bodycote provides a vital link in the manufacturing process for virtually every market sector including aerospace and defence, automotive, power generation, oil & gas, construction, medical and transportation.

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Heat Treating Services | Age Hardening | Aluminum Treating | Annealing | Austempering | Blast Cleaning | Boronizing | Brazing | Carbonitriding | Carburizing | Cryogenics | Die Quenching | Hot Oil Quenching | Induction Hardening | Ion Nitriding | Nitriding | Nitrocarburizing | Normalizing | Plasma Carburizing | Press Quenching | Salt Bath Nitriding | Straightening | Stress Relieving | Tempering | Vacuum Treating | Other Heat Treating Services | Cutting & Quenching Oils | Heat Treating | Lubricants |