Broach Masters / Universal Gear Co.
1605 Industrial Drive
Auburn CA 95603
United States
Phone: (800) 563-3442
Fax: (530) 885-8157

Broach Masters / Universal Gear Co.

Manufacturer of Broaches, Disc Shapers, Disc Shaper Cutters, Shank Shapers, Shank Shaper Cutters, Gear Shaper Cutters, Spline Broaches, Master Gears, Spline Gages, Spline Gauges, Fine Pitch, Serration. Made in USA.

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Broaches & Broaching Tools | Shaper Cutting Tools | Gages & Measuring Instruments | Master Gears | Plug Gages | Spline Gages | Tool Sharpening | Gear Design Software | Other Gear Software | Arbors | Cutting Tools | Inspection Equipment | Services | Software | Workholding & Toolholding |