2570 Beverly Drive #128
Aurora IL 60502
United States
Phone: (630) 236-3500 ext.117
Fax: (630) 236-3565


Global leader in the innovation and manufacture of flexible couplings, torsional couplings, and drive shaft solutions for marine and industrial applications.

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Centrifugal Clutches | Electromagnetic Clutches | Friction Clutches-Cone | Mechanical PTO(Power Take-Off) | Blindmate Coupling | C-V Joints-Driveshafts | Clutch Couplings | Composite Disk Couplings | Composite Shaft Couplings | Diaphragm Couplings | Disc Couplings | Elastomeric Couplings | Flexible Metallic Couplings | Flexible Nonmetallic Couplings | Rigid Couplings | Rubber-in-Shear Couplings | Servo Couplings | Spider Couplings | Torsional Couplings | Hydrostatic Drives | Pump Drives | Anti Vibration Mounts | Vibration Dampers | Vibration Isolators | Vibration Mounts | Vibration Pads | Accessories | Clutches | Couplings & U-Joints | Fluid Power |