Challenge Power Transmission (Aust) Pty Ltd
B11 Scoresby Industry Park
Janine Street
Scoresby 3179 Victoria
Phone: +61 (03) - 9763 6701
Fax: +61 (03) - 9764 5639

Challenge Power Transmission (Aust) Pty Ltd

Manufacturer / Wholesaler of mechanical power transmission products and bearings

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Ball Bearings | Pillow Blocks | Chain Drives | Roller Chain | Belt Drives | Synchronous Belt Pulleys | V-Belt Pulleys | V-Belting | V-Ribbed Pulleys | Elastomeric Couplings | Spider Couplings | Torsional Couplings | Shaft Mounted Speed Reducers | Pulleys | Motor Bases | Gear Drives | Accessories | Bearings | Belting & Belt Drives | Chain & Chain Drives | Couplings & U-Joints |