Dellner Bubenzer
8334-H Arrowridge Dr.
Charlotte NC 28273
United States
Phone: (401) 515-4657
Fax: (401) 515-4542

Dellner Bubenzer

Dellner's business, situated in Falun, Sweden, was established in 1947. Since the middle of the 60s we have produced hydraulic disc brakes for industrial usage. In the beginning the brakes were incorporated in machines which we ourselves designed, but very soon our brakes were discovered by others seeking a robust and reliable brake design.

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Caliper Brakes | Friction Brakes-Disc | Friction Brakes-Fail-Safe | Hydraulic Brakes | Spring-Set Brakes | Friction Clutches-Cone | Clutch & Brake Controls | Brakes | Clutches | Controls |