Exlar Actuation Solutions (Curtiss-Wright)
18400 W. 77th St.
Chanhassen MN 55317
United States
Phone: (855) 620-6200
Fax: (952) 368-4877

Exlar Actuation Solutions (Curtiss-Wright)

Exlar’s patented linear actuators are based on a unique design integrating a robust and efficient planetary roller screw as the rotor of a high performance brushless servo motor. In thousands of applications worldwide, Exlar serves industries ra...

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Linear Electric Actuators | Rotary Electric Actuators | Geared Actuators | Mechanical Actuators, Linear | Mechanical Actuators, Rotary | Servo Actuators | Friction Clutches-Cone | Gearheads | Planetary Gearheads | Gearmotors | Servo Gearheads | Brushless Linear Motors | Electric Linear Motors | Brushless Rotary Motors | DC Brushless Motors | Gearmotors-Synchronous | Linear Motors | Servo Motors | Servo Motors-Linear | Servo Motors-AC Servo | Servo Motors-Brushless DC | Servo Motors-DC Servo | Gear Drives | Actuators | Clutches | Linear Motion Devices | Motors |