FZG, an overview
The Gear Research Centre (FZG) is an integral part of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Technische Universität München in Germany. Founded in 1951 by Prof. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Gustav Niemann, FZG now occupies a leading position in research, development and standardisation as the international competence centre for issues concerning mechanical drive technology. Since 2011 the institute is being led by Prof. Dr.-Ing. K. Stahl, following his precedessor Prof. Dr.-Ing. B.-R. Höhn.
The development of methods and tools for the reliable determination of fatigue life, efficiency and vibration characteristics of gears and transmission elements is the focus for all research activities at FZG. More than 75 employees work at the institute which has comprehensive facilities for the examination and testing of different machine elements such as gears, synchronisers, clutches and rolling element bearings.
There are close contacts to industry both in education as well as in research in order to be able to offer modern education as close as possible to practical demands and to orientate research to current challenges in practical applications. Conversely, new scientific knowledge and methods are provided to industry.
Visit www.fzg.mw.tum.de