Haumea Srl
Via Nicola Sacco 12
47122 Forli (FC)
Phone: +(39) 9543 779518
Fax: +(39) 0543 751119

Haumea Srl

Haumea is a mechanical skilled company manufacturing and supplying custom-made gearmotors projected to suit customer needs. A professional team, with a long experience in the power transmission sector, collects the specific needs and quickly provides concrete answers. Since the first years of running, Haumea always excels by its excellence features about design and productivity, achieving, year after year, always more ambitious goals.

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Heat Treating Equipment & Supplies | Austempering Equipment | Batch Furnaces, Atmosphere | Batch Furnaces, Vacuum | Brazing Equipment | Continuous Furnaces, Atmosphere | Continuous Furnaces, Vacuum | Flame Hardening Equipment | Fluidized Bed Heat Treating Equipment | Gas Nitriding Systems | Induction Heating Equipment | Ovens | Quench Presses | Sintering Furnaces | Stop-off Paints & Coatings | Other Heat Treating or Related Equipment | Bevel Gear Drives | Epicyclic Gear Drives | Gearboxes | Helical-Bevel Gearboxes | Inline Gearboxes | Right Angle Gearboxes | Wind Turbine Gearboxes | Helical Gear Drives | Planetary Gear Drives | Speed Reducers | Spur Gear Drives | Winches | Worm Drives | Heat Treating | Gear Drives |