Heidenhain Corporation
Every industry has one company that defines it, and in measurement feedback, that one company is HEIDENHAIN. HEIDENHAIN Corporation is the North American subsidiary of the German company DR. JOHANNES HEIDENHAIN GmbH, a leading international manufacturer of precision measurement and control equipment. This superior technology is utilized within high precision motion control and machining systems worldwide. With over 100 years in the precision measurement industry, HEIDENHAIN is committed to providing customers with the products they need to meet the continually increasing demands for accuracy, precision, speed and cost savings. The product lines include linear and angle encoders, rotary encoders, length gauges digital readouts (DROs), numerical controls (TNCs), and touch probes for demanding positioning tasks. Primary industries served are metalworking, machine tool, semiconductor and electronics, motor/drive, general automation, and medical, but can be of service anywhere highly dependable precision measurement and motion control is needed. At HEIDENHAIN's North American headquarters in Schaumburg, IL, multiple company brands are represented including HEIDENHAIN, ACU-RITE, RSF Electronics, NUMERIK JENA, Leine & Linde, RENCO, and SUMTAK. This location is the North American source of sales and service of products, as well the site for hands-on training covering product installation, use and programming, as well as training for distributors. HEIDENHAIN satellite sales and service offices are located across the U.S., Canada and Mexico.