Huco (A Regal Rexnord Brand)
Merchant Drive
Hertford SG13 7BL Hertfordshire
United Kingdom
Phone: +(44) 0-1992-501900
Fax: +(44) 0-1992-500035

Huco (A Regal Rexnord Brand)

Now celebrating 40 years of innovation in precision couplings, Huco was founded in 1965, and was the first manufacturer to successfully adapt properties of engineering plastics in combination with ...

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Friction Clutches-Cone | Friction Clutches-Disc | Slip Clutches | Clutch Couplings | Disc Couplings | Flexible Beam Couplings | Flexible Metallic Couplings | Flexible Nonmetallic Couplings | Metal Beam Couplings | Metal Bellows Couplings | Rigid Couplings | Spider Couplings | Torsional Couplings | Universal Joints | Clutches | Couplings & U-Joints |