jbj Techniques Limited
28 Trowers Way
Holmethorpe Industrial Estate
Redhill RH1 2LW Surrey
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 1737 767493
Fax: 0044 (0)1737 772041

jbj Techniques Limited

jbj Techniques is a specialist manufacturer and distributor of high quality products for the mechanical power transmission & fluid power sectors.

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Assembly | Associations | Centrifugal Clutches | Mechanical PTO(Power Take-Off) | Oil Immersed Clutches | Composite Disk Couplings | Composite Shaft Couplings | Disc Couplings | Elastomeric Couplings | Flexible Metallic Couplings | Flexible Nonmetallic Couplings | Gear Couplings | Grid Couplings | Magnetic Couplings | Rigid Couplings | Rubber-in-Shear Couplings | Spider Couplings | Torque Limiting Couplings | Torsional Couplings | Taper Bushes | Flexible Shafts | Shaft Couplings | Gearboxes | Wind Turbine Gearboxes | Gearheads | Planetary Gearheads | Gearmotors | Marine Gear Drives | Multispeed Gearboxes | Planetary Gear Drives | Power Take-Offs | Speed Increasers | Speed Reducers | Variable Speed Drives | Hydraulic Motors | Hydraulic Pressure Switches | Hydraulic Pumps-Gear | Hydraulic Pumps-Piston | Hydraulic Pumps-Vane | Pump Drives | Anti Vibration Mounts | Damping Mountings | Vibration Dampers | Machine Design | CAD Services | Failure Analysis | Resources | Services | Gear Drives | Accessories | Clutches | Couplings & U-Joints | Fluid Power |