Metric & Multistandard Components Corp
120 Old Saw Mill River Rd
Hawthorne MI 10532
United States
Phone: 914-769-5020
Fax: 914-769-5049

Metric & Multistandard Components Corp

Stocking industrial distributor of over 50000 metric industrial supplies, 5 locations nationwide. Besides what you have listed we have; Copper & aluminum seal rings, grease fittings, shafting, gear cutters, shaft keys, woodruff keys.

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Rod Ends | Bushings | Chain Drives | Friction Clutches-Cone | Shaft Collars | Maintenance and Production Tools | Retaining Rings | Hardware | Pins | O-Rings | Accessories | Bearings | Chain & Chain Drives | Clutches | Industrial Hardware and Machine Parts | Seals |